Quick Reference Guide

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    3. Campaigns

    Sign Up Form

    Sign up forms are an effective way to gain subscribers and assign them to specific marketing groups of your choice. People can sign up for your text message marketing from different media outlets depending on where you place the form(s). Once the sign up form is created, we provide export options such as the sign up form URL, snippet of iFrame code, and a QR code available in multiple file formats.

    Below is what you need to create your sign up form.

    There are four parts to creating a sign up form:

    • Form
    • Permission Request Text Message
    • Permission Acknowledgement Text Message
    • Success Message

    To create a sign up form:

    Create a Sign Up Form that allows people to sign up for your text message marketing by clicking the + under the Sign Up Form display view.

    Complete the fields below and click Save.

    Sign Up Form Name: Title your sign up form.

    WEB OPT-IN TEXTMARKETING PERMISSION REQUEST TEXT MESSAGE: This is the initial text someone will receive after enrolling requesting their permission for texting. The compliance request message will be appended to anything you type in this field.

    • You can edit the average number of messages per month by clicking the blue bubble in the upper right-hand corner next to the account name and selecting Tools from the drop-down. Update the number of average messages per month. This will update your compliance text.

    WEB OPT-IN TEXTMARKETING PERMISSION RESPONSE TEXT MESSAGE: This is the response text someone will receive immediately after replying “Y” to the request text message above. The compliance response message will be appended to anything you type in this field.

    Add link: Enter and select a shortened URL to include in your response message or a previously created virtual scratch off.

    Logo Image: Upload your logo as a PNG file.

    Headline: Text that appears directly under your logo. This should instruct people to fill out the form and submit.

    Page Font Color: Font color on your sign up form.

    Page Background Color: Color of the background on your sign up form (if you’re not using a background image).

    Button Font Color: Font color on your submit button.

    Button Background Color: Color of the submit button.

    Background Image: Image that is displayed in the background of your sign up form, uploaded as a PNG.

    Success Message: Text that appears on the landing page after the form is submitted. This should instruct people to reply ‘Y’ to the text message they just received to complete enrollment.

    Group: Select the group you would like people assigned to if they sign up.

    Click Save to be directed back to your Sign Up Forms display view.

    The Sign Up Forms display view will list names of the forms, ordered by most recent, and the number of contacts who have signed up for each. Click the contacts number to view activity and the contacts list for the sign up form. Sign Up Form activity will show number of contacts who signed up during specific months in the year. You can filter by date range or view lifetime.

    The Contacts section list the contact details like phone number, name (if it’s a previously saved contact),and sign up date. You can use the search bar for specific contacts.

    Additional sign up form actions:

    To view additional actions for each sign up form, click the ellipses.

    • Copy Link: Copy the link to the sign up form and paste anywhere you want using ctrl+ v or right click and paste. This link can be used in many places like email and social posts.
    • Edit: Makes changes to your sign up form.
    • Delete: Remove your sign up form from your account.

    Market your sign up form on other medias:

    • Code: Embed your form into a website with the provided snippet of code using an iFrame. Just provide the code or link to your webmaster to be used where desired.
    • QR Code:  Generate a QR code for your signup. You can download the QR image as a .PNG, .PDF, or .EPS and copy the image as a .PNG.